A Huge Mahalo to all at Maui Jiu Jitsu!!maui jj haiku 808-575-9930 luis heredia
maui central, 808-344-6904
waikapu central - 310 to hwy 30n (honoapiliani hwy)
wed night lesson with Luis Heredia in haiku.
from guard
a. pull elbows out to prevent passing
b. grab wrists buck hips, break grip, pull wrists to floor, use knee to push opponents elbow up, finish with kimura.
c. grab wrists, buck hips to break grips, push one wrist down toward crotch, pull other down to floor. finish w triangle, or hip out and work to take back.
rolled with tony, blue belt. marco blu gi white belt. nick i think green belt.
skip thurs to recover
fri 11:30 to 1:00
guard passing from arms under legs,
a. shift leg onto shoulder
b. twist and shift hips to gain side control
a. push one leg down while driving hips straight forward, shft knee over opponents leg, can also shift far knee while twisting hips, to gain side control.
b. can also get an arm bar from top position if opponent attemps a collar choke.
monday 11-12:30
guillutine chokes with joel
pulled groin muscle, out for days
friday 2/4/11
Ezekiel choke and defense with sunday, ed and david.
in someones guard, lift a knee lean all weight to grind opponents face, use shoulder and head to do this. slide a hand under neck, grab your own sleeve and make a fist. bring fist accross opponents neck, under chin. squeeze for tap.
Defend by sliding hand under attackers arm, grab the fist and squeeze to eleviate pressure.
tues 2/8/11
hip and collar grip from side control
slide deep into collar, under head
switch hips to almost north south position
throw foot over ops. head and straighten wrist
sqeeze for tap
defense. trap arm by wraping elbow and grabbing own gi collar
roll to knees for sweep
thurs 2/10/11
north south double arm bar, to mount to armbar, americana etc.
fri 2/11/11
north south double armbar defense. drilled till i almost passed out, what a workout! Gi soggy from sweat, hoping it dries out by tomorrow.
sat 2/12/11
open mat, review and drill guard pass details. fist on chest, grip near hip, elbows tight! drive elbow into thigh, knee on thigh, elbows tight! slide both knees over trapped thigh to side control. stay tight to oppt. do not allow space!
Entry, grip same side sleeve and leg, stand up and pull, knee on belly, mount.
tues 2/15/11 last day to train at mjj
side control escape, a. grab knee, slide own knee under back to guard
b. hook foot, switch hook, sweep into knee bar.
c. opt postures, hug low on waste, slide hand under ankle and grab butt or gi, pull down while bucking to sweep.
Got 4 Stripes on my white belt today!- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:haiku, maui hi